Author: Motion Picture Mothers, Inc
Title: Cookbook of the Stars
Publisher: Anderson, Ritchie & Simon
Date: (1970)
Pages: 225
Binding: Hardback
Condition: FINE in fine (like new)
Illustrator: Walter Lantz (of Woody Woodpecker fame)
Book Id: MAIN028200I
About the Motion Picture Mother's Club: The Motion Picture Mother's Club was formed in 1930, as a small social group. It became an incorporated club, limited to one-hundred members, with "charity" within the industry as the chief purpose. The profits from the sale of this cookbook went into the Motion Picture & Television Relief Fund.

List of contributors (some recipes):- Pat Nixon (Avocado Salad)
- Governor Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan (Baja California Chicken, Rancho California Rice)
- Brad Abbot
- Beverly Adams (Polish Cabbage Rolls, Chinese Chews)
- Don Adams (Casserole A La Mexico)
- Betts Yorty (Moulded Cucumber-Lime Salad, Spareribs and Sauerkraut)
- Bud Abbott (Prokas)
- Benson Ah Fong (Tomato Beef, Lichee Chicken)
- Eddie Albert (Butterfly Lamb, Cheese Casserole)
- Steve Allen and Jane Meadwows (Banana Salad, Eggplant Souffle)
- Mary Anderson (Short Ribs Delight)
- Julie Andrews (Queen's Pudding, Baked Chicken Breast Supreme)
- Desi Arnaz Jr. (Butterscotch Pie, Lemon Pudding)
- Lucy Arnaz (Canapes, Persimmon Cake)
- Lucille Ball Lucy's Sunday Night Supper for Two or Twenty (Plain Iceberg Lettuce Salad. Goulash, Fruit and Cheese Plate, Coffee)
- Gene Barry (Kibbee, Green Bean Casserole)
- Wesley Barry (Peasant Soup, "Never-Fail" Yorkshire Pudding)
- Jack Benny (Meat Loaf, Sponge Cake)
- Polly Bergen (Chili)
- Jacqueline Bisset (Nut Torte with a Fabulous Sour Cream Frosting, Hominy)
- Whitney Blake
- Beulah Bondi
- Hillary Brooke
- Joe Brown Jr. (Tomato Aspic Salad)
- Tom Brown
- Carol Burnett
- Raymond Burr
- Spring Byington (Banana-Coconut Rolls)
- Glen Campbell (Rice Pudding)
- Judy Canova
- Mary Carlisle (Spinach Taraaraa)
- Richard Carlson
- Cindy Carol
- John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands (Taboule Salad, Cherry Torte, Hot Sauce to serve over squares or torte)
- Gower Champion and Marge Champion
- Susan Clark
- Nat King Cole (Red Beans and Rice, Chicken- Italian Style)
- Mary Costa (Marshmallow Fudge)
- Joan Crawford (Pork Chops and Fried Apple Rings)
- Bing Crosby (Ceviche, Molded Salmon)
- Bob Cummings
- Tony Curtis
- Doris Day (Rump Roast)
- Frances Dee (Orange Cake)
- Sandra Dee (Apricot Brandy Cake)
- Don De Fore
- Wm. Demerest
- Sandra Descher
- Frank Devol
- Ann Doran
- Sharon Douglas
- Steve Drexel
- Howard Duff
- Clint Eastwood (Hush Puppies, Guacamole Dip)
- Blake Edwards (English Trifle)
- Leif Erickson
- John Findlater (Barbecued Brisket)
- Rhonda Fleming (Baked Finnish Pancakes)
- Glenn Ford
- Tony Franciosa
- Clark Gable (Sour Cream Chocolate Cake, Barbecued Lima Beans)
- Mitzi Gaynor
- Bonita Granville
- Don Haggerty
- Barbara Hale
- Monty Hall
- George Hamilton
- Mariette Hartley
- Helen Hayes
- Tippi Hedren
- Allan Hersholt
- Bob Hope (Favorite Lemon Pie, Brown Sugar Pudding)
- Rochelle Hudson
- Gayle Hunnicutt
- Marsha Hunt
- Burl Ives
- David Janssen
- Gloria Jean
- Jack Jones
- Gene Kelly (Greatest Man Sandwich in the World, Vegetable Soup ala Francaise)
- George Kennedy
- Paula Kent
- Andrea King
- Don Knotts
- Sue Carol Ladd
- Dorothy Lamour
- Burt Lancaster
- Evelyn D. Lane
- Walter Lantz (Walter's Eggplant) -- In the July 1, 1970 issue of the Citizen News, an entire page is devoted to Walter Lantz's recipes. Cartoonist Walter Lantz, of Woody Woodpecker fame and the illustrator of this cook book whose hobby is cooking is a proud member of the San Fernando Gourmet Club.
- Mario Lanza
- Barbara Lawrence
- Mary Lawrence
- Ruta Lee
- Andera Leeds
- Janet Leigh
- Jerry Lewis
- Liberace (Pound Cake, Ham Loaf with Mustard Sauce)
- Art Linkletter
- Robert Lowery
- Bill Lundigan
- Ida Lupino (Bean Sprout Salad)
- Betty Lynn
- Ian MacDonald
- Shirley MacLaine
- Fred MacMurray and June Haver (Fred MacMurray's Favorite Pumpkin Pie
- Dorothy Malone
- Henry Mancini and Ginny Mancini
- Dean Martin
- Ross Martin (Beef in Anchovy Cream, Chocolate Mousse)
- Eden Marx
- Pamela Mason
- Johnny Mathis
- Doug McClure
- Jody McCrea
- Ann Miller
- Robert Mitchum
- Ricardo Montalban (Torta Aztec)
- Alvie Moore
- Mary Tyler Moore (Peanut Butter Candy, Pecan Cake)
- Ken Murray
- Jim Nabors
- Ozzie Nelson Famly (Watermelon Rind Sweet Pickles, Sherried Beef)
- Kim Novak
- Hugh O'Brien
- Pat O'Brien
- Gregory Peck
- Eleanor Powell
- Jon Provost
- Juliet Prowse
- Dack Rambo
- Cheryl Holdridge Reventlow
- Debbie Reynolds
- Madlyn Rhue (Mock Pate de Foie Gras, Mousse au Chocolat)
- Don Rickles
- Bob Ripley
- Buddy Rogers and Mary Pickford
- Cesar Romero
- Katharine Ross
- Ann Rutherford
- Jean Seberg
- Jay Silverheels
- Robert Sterling and Anne Jeffreys (Cherry Chicken or Chicken Montgomery)
- Craig Stevens
- Jay Stewart
- Jill St. John (Yam-Fruit Casserole, Veal in Sour Cream)
- Hope Summers
- Danny Thomas
- Marlo Thomas (Chocolate Fudge)
- Regis Toomey
- Lana Turner
- Jack Tyler
- Jerry Van Dyke
- Robert Wagner
- Paul Wallace
- John Wayne
- Stu Whitman
- Cornel Wilde & Jean Wallace
- Claire Windsor
- Jane Withers
- Joanne Woodward (Lobster Tails in Patty Shells)
- Jane Wyatt
- Jane Wyman
- Robert Young
- Laura Barry
- Jennifer Edwards
- Victoria Myerink
- Dianne Olsen
- Susan Olsen
- Diane Quinn
- Teddy Quinn
- Ken Schultz
- Keith Schultz